What a great time I had this weekend in Long
Sault, Ontario (just outside of Cornwall) at the
SSCC National Specialty. The Standard Schnauzer entry for the Specialty was 29 in total, a fair number for a show considering you don't often have any entries at shows in Canada. Exhibitors travelled from across the country with both BC and Nova
Scotia exhibitors in attendance and several from the USA.
It was such fun catching up with old friends and making some new ones as well. Thank you to everyone with our dogs that came out to enjoy the show.
Dinsdale dogs in attendance this weekend were:
Dinsdale Double Trouble
Dinsdale Champagne Celebration
Dinsdale Champagne Flute
Dinsdale Champagne
Upsy Daisy
Dinsdale-Chimera Blackberry
Dinsdale Sweet William 'Will'
Dinsdale-Chimera Brenna Berry '
Dinsdale Licorice
Allsorts 'Anise'
Paricda N
Dinsdale Junebug 'Juno'

Daisy poses at home with one of her ribbons. I only entered Daisy in the Specialty on Saturday as I knew I would be busy in Agility with Juno. I was very pleased to have
Daisy win - Best in Sweepstakes at the National on Saturday. Unfortunately right afterwards I had to hurry to the Agility ring with Juno for our first trial and didn't have time for a proper show photo. This was taken today, as you can see by the state of her nose, she spent yesterday enjoying a good dig in the yard, oh well at least I had her clean for 3 days in a row :-)

Standard Schnauzer Club of Canada National Specialty Best of Breed Line-up on Friday

Dinsdale Champagne Celebration being presented to the judge by her owner Line Champagne

A casual photo taken of Lia outside the rings on Sunday

Flute being
gaited in the ring for the Judge on Friday.
Dinsdale Champagne Flute about to be examined. Flute won
Reserve Winners Bitch this day shown by Line.
Below Anise is patiently waiting to be called into the ring.

Anise is a Fiddle & Monty daughter from our Summer 2007 litter. Owner Karen flew to Ontario from BC with her girl Anise,
Dinsdale Licorice
Allsorts, to attend the show. Anise has done well in the show rings and is only looking for one more point towards her Canadian Championship.

Flute and Anise blow off some puppy steam playing after being in the show ring. No matter what colour, all schnauzers play the same!

Teri & Pierre from Massachusetts are proud owners of
Dinsdale-Chimera's Brenna Berry. Brenna is a Mira X Max pup from a co-breeding with Brooke Thomas summer of 2006. Brenna and Pierre were competing in Agility along with myself and Juno. They had some great runs in Novice, including two qualifying runs in Novice Standard, and
THREE Q's in Novice Jumpers giving Brenna a new title! I had such a good time getting to know them, I hope they make it back up to Canada in the future to finish more agility titles.
Below she is pictured with her sister Hilde,
Dinsdale-Chimera Blackberry.

Brenna on the Left and her sister Hilde on the right...and yes, they are both black standard schnauzers.

And lastly but certainly not least, Juno poses with some of her winnings. Juno and I competed in three agility trials on the weekend and placed first in our class each time,
completing our Novice Standards title and winning the Highest Scoring Standard Schnauzer on the day of the National. She is now officially know as
Paricda N Dinsdale Junebug, AGN! Hooray Juno.

A couple photos taken by Line Champagne of Juno and I on course Sunday morning.

At the end of the day our show dogs are very much our companions, below Line exercising her schnauzers after the shows.