Aside from being busy with pups we have had another visitor this week, a nasty little stomach bug has invaded the dogs.
Started with
Hexe almost two weeks ago, figured it was a one off and perhaps she had eaten something that didn't agree with her. Poor girl had a rather nasty crate accident during the night, I wasn't worried as she remained energetic and never lost her appetite. A few days later it hit Cutter, now that was unpleasant, I won't go into too many details but lets say a garden hose was needed to get the boy fit to be picked up and and placed in the tub for a major bath. Why do these things hit the dogs at night? Again, other then the nasty back-end issues he was in fine form. Since then we have had two more dogs come down with this, thankfully no more crate disasters. Puppy Clover has just up-chucked her breakfast and I hear her tummy doing the gurgles, I sure hope it isn't her turn.
I would guess that everyone will of either had it within the next few days...or better yet it will mysteriously leave us as quickly as it appeared. Still cannot figure out from where this would of come, I haven't been anywhere for the last three weeks because of pups. Only thought is that we picked something up while at the vets, but then you would think Fiddle would of been the first one to be ill and so far (knock on wood) it hasn't affected her.
So for now please enjoy this photo taken last summer during a walk in our top field.