So tranquil after the storm passed and the sun came out for a few moments.
However earlier this morning.......
I woke up to a HUGE rainy downpour and Gussy yipping downstairs. Stumbled out of bed, it's 5:15am and I quickly hobble (bad knees I don't move smoothly in the morning) downstairs and let Gussy outside. When I open the door,
she sees the sheets of rain falling off the roof of the house and Gussy puts her breaks on! Sorry girl, out you go. For a dog that can barely walk she darts down the steps for the cover of the greenhouse to do her business. I knew she wouldn't come back up the steps, so I wander through the house hoping the rest of the dogs remain quiet into my grooming room where the outside door to the greenhouse area is located to let her in. Poor Gussy is down on her side, soaking wet and because of the angle and position she is not able to get on her feet....out I go to help her up, she scrambles inside, and proceeds to fall over
every time she tries to shake the wet off her body. Making it back into the main house, I am still thinking, if I can get her in a crate I can sneak back to bed for another hour. I look behind me, no Gussy, I walk around the corner and she is pooping in my living room...excellent! (big sigh) I clean it up, hustle her into a crate and trip back upstairs to my bed....how was your morning??
For those that don't know, Gussy has spinal nerve damage and is slowly losing her mobility. She does a fantastic impression of a drunken sailor. This has been going on for some time, we have her on high daily doses of
steroids which keeps her fairly upright, but it does mean she consumes large quantities of water and must go to the bathroom often, like every hour during the day, sometimes more. She can sleep about 4-5 hours at night then MUST go outside and quickly, thus my stumbling down stairs as fast as my old sore knees can manage routine every morning. There is no pain involved for Gussy and as long as she can get herself more or less in and out the door, enjoys a healthy appetite and keeps a smile on her face we will just deal with the rest, and hey, sleep is over-rated.