This weekend we headed off to a local dog show, Saturday was terribly hot. I had Fiddle entered and we didn't do much of anything...second from the end if the truth be told :-( Oh well some dog days are like that.
Sunday our ring time was much earlier and the weather much more pleasant for showing dogs. Fiddle wasn't entered today... instead I took puppy Daisy. It was her very first show and I was a little apprehensive about how she would do, I wanted her to have a positive experience. Well the little monkey had a wonderful time, she didn't waver during the judges examination and strutted her little puppy butt around the ring winning
Best of Breed and her first two points, I was thrilled.
After Breed she had to compete in both the Adult and the Puppy Groups. She was a little trooper and did me proud, barely batting an eye at the assortment of unusual breeds of dogs she was in the ring with.
The photo
above of Daisy was taken while waiting for our ring time.
Below are photos of Fergie and Hilde also waiting for the show to get going.