
Thursday, 17 March 2011

When Irish Eyes are Smiling....

Two years ago to the day we welcomed Baby Beamish and his siblings into the world. I laughed out loud when I opened my email this morning and the first thing I found was this! Beamish sends a big Happy Birthday bro right back at ya Guinness! Always the Irish prankster Beamish asked me to post his brother's baby photo to embarrass his sibling. Below is Baby Guinness. But wait, one good giggle is deserving of another, sorry Beamish couldn't resist, here you are in all your chubby, wrinkly glory Ha ha do you see that even at a few hours old bouncy Beamish has two paws off the ground...that and the fact that all the pups were born naturally except for Beamish who we had to deliver via c-section should of keyed me into what a character he would be. Happy St Patrick's Day to our special pups, Beamish, Guinness, Wilson, Ciara and Heidi born on this day and to Co-Breeder Line Champagne who owns sister Ciara...oh what the heck, here is little Ciara striking a birthday pose :-))