
Sunday, 13 March 2011

Extreme Raw Feeding

If you follow my blog you will know that I encourage feeding our dogs a raw and natural diet. Miss Molly below decided to fetch her own dinner :-)) Molly lives in beautiful Montana with her owner Terrie who sends me the most stunning photos of her girl. Terrie isn't new to Schnauzers, she owned and loved a Giant Schnauzer prior to Molly. I know Molly was a wee bit of a trial to Terrie through puppyhood (stop laughing at the 'wee bit' Terrie) But she stuck with it and ended up with a mature (still naughty enough) Molly. I have also included a couple of photos taken during their trips to the Oregon coast.Terrie writes.....
I just had to share this photo of Molly taken while hiking along a river here in Montana. This was her first encounter with a deer she could "catch"...or should I say, part of a deer. Thank god she didn't find the entire carcass! She was just so proud of this yucky item and was strutting around with loads of attitude. The worst part was we took it from her, needless to say, before letting her in the car for the return trip home. She whined for the entire 70 mile drive...she wanted her trophy! This dog does not forget easily:-) She is quite a character and makes life so much fun living with this little screw ball.
Best to you,
Terrie and Molly