
Friday, 9 April 2010

Spring fever

Yep Spring fever hit me hard with a big stinking Spring Cold, yuk! I managed to stay healthy all winter then warm weather arrives and I catch a cold :-( The last week has been spent feeling sorry for myself and attempting to keep two growing pups entertained, failing miserably at both. Witness below as Quiz has a Whiz in my house, cannot believe Mick caught it on the camera. I hope the owners of his siblings are doing a better job with the house training then I am. I did manage to have Schnauzer Noah and his owner over for a small grooming and show ring preparation lesson. Hopefully my head was clear enough that Heather picked up some handy tips for getting Noah ready for his first show. Noah is a pup from our breeding last year of Finn and Abby, and what a handsome man he has grown up to be. His owner is doing a super job on his coat, Noah was extremely well behaved considering how long we had him on the grooming table. Below are a few pics I snapped before they left. In past photos Heather has sent me I have always thought Noah looked most like his mom Abby, in person I was floored by how he resembled his wonderful dad Finn.