
Sunday, 30 November 2008

Token on the internet

Not sure why she looks so guilty, she obviously was surfing an approved website. Perhaps she just realized she isn't a Standard Schnauzer?? Is that shock, not guilt that I see in her eyes? Perhaps relief....

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Photos to Fight against Anti Breed Specific Legislation

The Staffordshire Terrier Club of Canada held a photo contest and all entry fees were donated to their fight against Anti Breed Specific Legislation. Click on the banner below to see the top ten photos in each catagory Check out all the beautiful photos by clicking here

Monday, 24 November 2008

Mirror Mirror on the Wall

Whose the fairest of them all?? Hope says she is naturally! Cutter looked so regal this morning reclining on the floor and gazing out the window, I had to pick up my camera and photograph him. Enter Hope...after lapping up a bowl of water, she planted herself in front of me and stared intensely into the lens, beard dripping "Why would you want to be photographing my dumb ass (oops, sorry... Hope's words not mine, schnauzers can be profane at times) brother when I am here in all my glory???" OK Hope you win...what was I thinking?

Saturday, 22 November 2008

I want to be a Super-Model

Move over Tyra, Naomi and Gisele...Token is here, she is lean and exotic, definite super model material. For all the Schnauzers folks that visit the blog I apologize for this Toy Manchester Terrier interlude....but come on, she is one cute puppy! Her regal Frog-Dog pose Looking down her nose at all those silly hairy schnauzers Smiling for the camera Blowing us all a big raspberry kiss! Not sure how she did that with her tongue??

Monday, 17 November 2008

Kibble Face

Fiddle's pups will be four weeks old tomorrow. This week I have started feeding pablum and milk to them and yesterday I introduced some mashed soaked kibble to the mixture. This little fellow is an enthusiastic eater judging by the kibble dried to his face from breakfast :-))

Thursday, 13 November 2008

Morning coffee

What do you do in the quiet morning hours...this is coffee time at my place . At 4.5 months of age I think Token is up to some schnauzer play with my younger dogs. So far Daisy and Edee are her favorites and also the ones I am most comfortable with allowing her to rough house with. Edee and Token display that it takes two to skin a skunk. Soon the tugging turns into a fun wrestling match. Gussy in the top left corner of the photo is not amused by all the action in the morning.

Saturday, 8 November 2008


Friendship sometimes comes down to compromise. Buddies Token and Gussy both enjoy warmth, sunshine and comfort. Here they have struck up a snoozing compromise, Gussy gets the full benefit of the warmth and sun, while Token gets a 'pawful' of sunshine but the softness of the bed. It seems to work for them.

Thursday, 6 November 2008

Dog Room Find

Found this little fellow in my dog room yesterday afternoon, it's a good thing I found him/her before the dogs did. Snakes are VERY high on the schnauzer list of things my dogs have killed. They love pieces. I released him under the porch, hopefully he will grow big and strong and help to keep the mice away from my house.

Monday, 3 November 2008

Another Dog Show Weekend

This weekend was a dog show weekend. It is busy and confusing especially to those that are new to dog showing. In the end it is a matter of hurry up and wait as you must be at ringside when they call you or they just carry on. This leads to folks madly working to get their dogs ready for the ring and then standing at ringside for an eternity waiting for the ring steward to call you in. Above Daisy is on the table being groomed, not her favorite activity. What a pretty girl, Daisy waits while I gather up my armband, bait and squeaky toys , then off to the show ring. Arriving at ringside the waiting begins....during this time everyone has their own routine, I usually like to play around with the dog I am showing to relax them and get them focused on me. Daisy loves her treats and focus isn't a problem for her. Daisy in the ring being presented to the judge for examination. Saturday was a Booster hosted by the Standard Schnauzer Club of Canada. The judge was from Sweden and I obviously thought he was great...he awarded Best of Breed to my Daisy :-)) After breed competition each of the various breed winners must then compete in their designated groups. Standard Schnauzers are in the Working group, here you see Daisy in a line up with a few other Working dog winners. The Standard is the smallest dog in the Working group, in this photo Daisy is between a Giant Schnauzer and a Siberian Husky. But she sure held her own. Other results from the weekend, Daisy's sister Flute was Reserve Winners Bitch at the Booster on Saturday, while on Sunday she was Best of Winners making her a new Canadian Champion. Above Flute is shown gaiting in the ring (she is the second dog) just before winning Reserve. I laughed when I saw this photo, if you look closely you will see none of Flute's feet are touching the floor. She is such a happy BOUNCY show dog and I seem to walk a fine line between her showing well and her taking over and turning into bouncy girl, kind of like the cartoon character Tigger.....boing-boing-boing-Tiggers bounce and so does Flute! Flute smiling at the grooming set-up, she is now...drum roll please tay da... Canadian Champion Dinsdale Champagne Flute