
Sunday, 29 April 2012

Back to Schnauzers

Clover's pups turned 7 weeks old this weekend.   A really neat bunch of pups, every last one is outgoing and affectionate, I couldn't be happier with their personalities.  The boys break me up, there are some funny, quirky clowns in there, much like their dad Beamish.  Lots more photos of the pups have been posted on Clover's Puppy Blog
"Wadaya mean quirky?"

The a wonderful day

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Mucho fun tonight

Columbian Wyandotte Chick
 I thought I would start Chicken Thursday (for those not in Canada, see here for an explanation of what Chicken Thursday is) on the blog following the growth of the chicks every week.
Chicks arrived Tuesday and in just two days I am amazed to see how fast their flight feathers are replacing the fluffy down.
Columbian Wyandotte Chicks
Barred Plymouth Rock Chicks

left to right-Barred Plymouth Rock, Columbian and Buff Orpington Chick

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

The Girls Club

How neat are they?  My chicks arrived today, these girls will grow up to be laying hens, well....I am hoping they are all ladies.  We definitely have a no boys allowed policy when it comes to chickens, I get up early enough without a rooster crowing.
I am going to be sure and enjoy them right now, from what I understand they will turn into a noisy, stinky mess in a couple of short weeks.  Right now they are adorable.

Friday, 20 April 2012

No more guilt

After a mild, very slow winter I was feeling a little guilty for all the book reading, DVD watching and relaxing in front of the wood stove.  Well guilt be gone, Spring is here and things are CRAZY busy.  My pups are 6 weeks old tomorrow, nine really wonderful pups, they alone could be a full time job.  Then there is the garden, I have been putting all that rabbit manure that has been composting all winter to work.  I have most of my cool weather seeds in the ground, peas, radishes, lettuce, kale, onions.  My potatoes arrive next week, which means somehow I have to put another garden bed in for them.
Mick started a ton, no, seriously..... a TON of tomatoes and peppers, what you see here isn't even half of what we have.  This morning I transplanted another 20 to individual pots and I think, if I calculated right, there is still double that to be transplanted.  Can you say Salsa? 

The rabbits are also being put to work after having the winter off, I have four new litters and two more arriving in a couple weeks.  I am constantly amazed at how easy it is to raise healthy rabbits, they did excellent through the winter and are now happily enjoying the Spring dandelions, nettles and bramble shoots I collect daily for them.

Next week, if all goes as planned, we should have chicks arriving.  This is a first for me, I am really excited, these day old chicks will be our future laying hens.  The drawback is that Mick and I have to construct a chicken coop and run within the next 4 weeks. The first month they will spend in the house, I know, stop laughing, seriously, a dozen chicks in my house, this should liven things up.

Needless to say, next winter, I will just enjoy my time off,  guilt will not even enter my mind....

Monday, 16 April 2012

Puppy Fun!

Lots more photos of the pups on Clover's Blog

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Tight squeeze

Anyone that has come to visit here knows what a small house we have, squeeze in a puppy pen and nine 4.5 week old pups and things get a bit hairy.  I have been acclimating the pups to the the crazy world of the front room with ringing phones, television, kitchen noises and the coming and goings of a house of dogs.  Daisy is always thrilled to have pups downstairs, it's like tuning the TV to her favourite program.

Friday, 6 April 2012

Easter Pups

You knew that eventually I would switch from bunnies to puppies.  More Easter photos of the pups on Clover's Blog here.

Easter Baskets

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Chipmunk hunting

 Hunting IS allowed on these premises.  My current crew appear to be useless at catching and dispatching pests.  Boy, how I wish for my old girl Jewels to be back here to rid us of Chip & Dale and all their relatives.  Last week I caught six and relocated them to pastures hopefully far away.  From the look of the holes along my path and under the porch I need to carry on catching this week.

Monday, 2 April 2012

Easter week

 What better photos to post the week leading up to Easter then our two week old Spring bunnies