
Friday, 30 September 2011

Farm Dog

Different theories on the development of the Standard Schnauzer can be found, one that rings true to me is their role as an all purpose farm dog.

Origin and Purpose from the Canadian Breed Standard reads:

The standard schnauzer can be traced back to 14th Century Germany.  It is a compact working dog and should be so judged.  Its principal vocation was to guard tradesman's carts and be an all purpose farm dog.  

Cutter poses today while out 'helping' me in the field.
Good Dog!

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Garden harvest

The wet weather has my tomatoes going bad on the vine almost as soon as they are ready to eat.  This morning I was able to save a large batch simmering them down with garlic and basil into a delicious tomato sauce.  Threw together a pizza dough and made up a dozen of these wonderful little Pizza Breads to freeze, well, ten of them are making it to the freezer, two were consumed while still hot from the oven yum!
Hoping we get a couple more weeks of sun to ripen all the green tomatoes still on the vine.

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Winter ready

We have been busy trying to get things ready for the coming winter.  Aside from normal work around the property we FINALLY installed a little wood stove, apparently my birthday gift :-)  It isn't completed yet and the glow within is actually a candle, but we are getting there.  I made the hearth this weekend, still have to trim the back wall and install a mantel.  Mick ran into a few 'glitches' while running the chimney, which will hopefully be overcome and finished this weekend.  I feel much better to have back-up heating this winter, especially with the cost of oil.

Once we get projects completed regular postings & Schnauzer photos will least that's the plan.

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Garden Guest

Found this fellow in the garden yesterday.  Surprisingly quick on his feet, I barely had time to focus before he was hidden away.

Friday, 23 September 2011

Daisy & Clover in Stop Motion

This is a first attempt at using Stop Motion software. Video is made up of individual jpeg images taken on burst mode with my digital camera then chained together, same concept as Animation or Claytoon.

I think it gives a pleasant affect, Mick complains it is irritating to watch, you decide.

Thursday, 22 September 2011


Inspirational is a bit of a stretch, but it is both fun and silly which works for me today.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Monday, 12 September 2011

Hey it's Hickstead

 I haven't shown photos of Hickstead for some time now.  Here he is just shy of turning one year old, for some reason I had it in my mind that he was only 10 months, but no, 12 months it is.  He is a little smaller then I thought he would mature out to, but, seeing as my dogs have been really pushing the size allowed for the breed lately, size moderation is a fine addition to the breeding program.  Those ears are still a bit...ahem high on the head, more Terrier then Schnauzer, but Hickstead seems to think they make him look dapper. 

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Sex in the Grass

Ha! Made you look :-)

Two dragonflies caught in a passionate embrace

Saturday, 10 September 2011

The stuff of fairy tales

I totally understand why people get caught up in Dragonflies with bodies and wings that glitter like jewels.  I love how they bask in the sun, dragonflies are real posers.  They will not quickly leave a favorite sunny roost and if disturbed they will light again if allowed .  There were three sunbathing late this afternoon and they were very patient with me.

These ones are a smaller species then the ones that soar outside our front window catching small flying insects in the early evening sun, fascinating to watch.
Quick Internet research tells me this dragonfly is called an Autumn Meadowhawk or Yellow Legged Meadowhawk, the most prevalent dragonfly species in our area this time of the year.

Morning light

The light hitting the Plume Poppy this morning, a little more golden this time of the year

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Toy obsession

 At 10.5 years of age Cutter (looking all dignified above) has developed a toy obsession.  He has always enjoyed ripping into a squeaky and retrieving a ball if it means getting it before another dog does.  But, this is different, it started about a week ago with a rubber 'Chuck-It' ball.  He became obsessed with the ball, would spend all his time squeezing it between his jaws, fishing it out of corners and under furniture, no other dog is allowed to even look at HIS rubber ball.

This afternoon on the deck he found some toys left over from the pups this summer, he chewed the rope bone until he was exhausted and panting, guarding it from his sister Hope.  Who, I think feels her brother has lost his mind, I can see her rolling her eyes at him as he holds a protective paw over his finds.

Morning coffee

Enjoying coffee on the porch with the dogs, love this time of the year, cool-ish mornings and NO mosquitoes.  Chipmunks are very active the last week, their cheeks jammed full of seeds for winter storage. 

Schnauzers on high chippy alert!

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

We're watching you

 I captured these photos of the girls watching me this morning while trying to photograph our clematis before the rains arrive. Have I mentioned how nosy Standard Schnauzers are??  The shots of the clematis are rather dreary, but I love the girls on the window sill.
*Note to self....time to clear away spider webs and clean windows

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Summers last long weekend

This is it, the last long weekend of summer.  This morning the blackbirds were gathering in the trees.  A little ominous this dreary, warm, rainy Sunday.