
Thursday, 31 December 2009

Happy 2010!

Above our old girl Jewels poses for a photo. Jewels has had a rough year and many of her siblings have passed away in 2009. We are grateful to have her with us to usher in another New Year. Wishing everyone a happy, safe New Year.

Monday, 28 December 2009

Schnauzer Lore

If you are researching the Standard Schnauzer you will find statements all over the Internet stating that the standard schnauzer is a breed that does not shed. He he....although it is true they do not have the twice yearly shed out that many breeds do, you will find hair around your house if you own a Standard Schnauzer. They drop their coat ALL the time, it's true, I hate to break this to everyone but hair falls out, your hair does, your dogs hair does, take a look at this chair and see what a houseful of non-shedding schnauzers have left on the surface. Another eye opener, the better the schnauzer coat, as in the more harsh and wiry the MORE it will fall out. Yep, those soft wavy coats that a breeder hates to have in their lines seems to stick to the dogs skin like cement, while the coarse coat just pops off. I found when I owned only one schnauzer there was very little coat in the house, as the numbers increased the tumble weeds of hair started to accumulate at surprising speed. Also of interest, I find the Blacks drop more coat then the Pepper & Salts, not sure why, but when I vacuum around the crates of the blacks, or wash their bedding it is amazing how much more hair is found there. Don't get me wrong, when comparing a Schnauzer to most breeds you will find much less hair, having owned an Australian Shepherd that seemed to have a major shed out daily, our breed is a delight, but if an animal has hair, it will fall out.

Thursday, 24 December 2009

Merry Christmas

Last Friday Gussy's face once again swelled as it did in July, this time abscessing and bursting, it was rather spectacular and happened in minutes. Frustrated at this happening again we headed for the vets. He quickly found a broken tooth and we scheduled Gussy for surgery yesterday. Apparently even though the molar was broken the Vet had a heck of a time removing it. The old girl is back on antibiotics & pain killers, according to Gussy the pain killers were not doing her much good last night. We set up the space heater for her and she settled down sore, bruised and exhausted. From Gussy and all of us at Dinsdale we wish you a very Merry Christmas, I know one schnauzer that will get a little extra gravy on her Turkey this year.

Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Baby it's Cold outside

Why is it whenever I clip one of the dogs down the temperature drops? Poor Gussy, I no sooner gave her a nice trim and baby it got cold outside. Lucky a friend knit two beautiful sweaters for my schnauzers a couple years ago, Gussy didn't put up any fuss as I slipped this one on her. I think she looks wintry and festive in the blue sweater.

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Juno - No looking back now

I am happy to say that things have worked out very well for Juno and her new family. It has been about 7weeks and I think Juno has been kept too busy to even miss us. She is actively involved in Agility training with owner Patty and I hear she and Bill will be starting obedience classes together next. Still seems strange not to have her here at times.

Sunday, 6 December 2009

Interesting doings on the porch

Love those schnauzer noses and beards Our first Christmas tree in more then 10 years draws the dogs attention. We placed it outside on the front porch for a festive entrance. Plus, it made more sense then having it inside and yelling at the dogs to leave it alone the entire holiday season...outside it managed to fall over on it's own and a not-too-festive-Mick works at tethering it to the porch post.

Thursday, 3 December 2009

Token's new fav hangout spot

Token has discovered a new hangout spot, on top of the love seat. Here she can watch me on the computer and survey all the schnauzers around her. Also gets her up off the drafty floor. Below in her Chilly Dog sweater looking ever so sporty

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Christmas Card

I am working on our Dinsdale Christmas Card. Below are my favorite shots so far. I like them both for different reasons. Let me know which says Christmas in Schnauzer style to you. Photo one is of Fiddle, our natural eared beauty Photo two is of Daisy, our new Canadian Champion.

Monday, 30 November 2009

When ears go bad

A hairy Hazel shows us what can happen with cropped ears. In almost 20 years she is only my second cropped ear that I couldn't get to stand, and believe me I didn't give up easily. She is almost 12 months old now and sadly I admit defeat...that ear will never stand. I have kicked myself numerous times for even cropping her ears, they were beautiful natural ears. I figured it's hard enough showing a Black Standard Schnauzer let alone with natural ears, so, I went ahead and cropped her. Ironically, now I cannot show her at all. Worlds sweetest schnauzer is still sweet and in her own quirky way cute too.

Monday, 23 November 2009

Busy at the shows

I haven't done a lot of dog showing this year...actually this weekend is the first show I made it too in 2009. Thursday I packed up the van and headed up Ottawa way with Daisy and Fiddle to the Ottawa Kennel Club show. Along with their regular three days of dog showing fun they host the Purina Show of Shows each year. A gala evening event it is open only to Best In Show winners from the prior year. Owners of Lia, Ch.Dinsdale Champagne Celebration, Line & Michel Champagne made a special trip with their Best in Show girl Lia. Lots of fun the winner of the night was a Kerry Blue Terrier. Photos from today are not the best quality as they were snapped with my cell phone. Daisy snoozing Saturday after a busy day. Daisy took Best of Winners Friday & Saturday completing her Canadian Championship!! Sunday we showed Daisy as a Special and our Little Miss Fiddle took Best of Winners. Fiddle HATES to show, no that is understated Fiddle DESPISES showing and grooming time, suffice it to say if I ever attempt to show Fiddle again I expect she will pack her bags and be looking for a new, sane owner. Here she is back at the hotel dreaming of being anywhere but AT A SHOW!!

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Love Sick

My females are cycling through there seasons and Beamish is now old enough that he needs to be separated from the girls. Solitary yard time isn't going over very well with the little stud muffin.

Thursday, 12 November 2009


A reflective moment on this frosty Thursday morning Watching me fill the bird feeders and hoping her breakfast is next.

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Chill in the morning air

I was wondering when Juno left us if Token would find another schnauzer willing to share some body heat. Juno was always happy to let Token cuddle up on cold morning. This morning I caught her snuggling with Daisy in the sunlight. Ten minutes later Mick dropped off this parcel from the post office, it's Token's new Chilly Dog sweaters. What great service ordered it on-line Thursday and it arrived Tuesday morning. Hoping this will cease the shivering the little naked Miss has been doing since Summer left us. I foresee a Great White North outdoor coat and perhaps Ear Muffs making an appearance in Token's Christmas stocking. Love to support our Canadian Companies.

Monday, 2 November 2009

A bit more tidy

As promised my shaggy dog Fiddle looking a little less shaggy then when photographed a few weeks back

Monday, 26 October 2009

Capturing not really

Watch me fly Are we starting to see a pattern in our Beamish photo sessions? We interrupt this program for a....ahem washroom break Edee shows Beamish some serious 'mad teeth' to stop the boy wonder.

Saturday, 24 October 2009


The Standard Schnauzer is renowned for it's enthusiastic and dedicated abilities as a watchdog, qualities which Daisy displays perfectly as she watches me work on the computer. She is dedicated to her task and refuses to leave her sentry...even though bored to tears.

Friday, 23 October 2009

Colour Coordinated

Token shows off how well she blends in to our home.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

New Digs for Juno

A smiling Juno poses for the camera Sunday as we had a fun afternoon playing Frisbee and Agility before she left for her new home. As a breeder I have made the difficult decision to place some of my older dogs over the years, my decision to place Juno was made a few weeks ago. I had at first thought to spay her and keep her as my Agility buddy, but then reality paid a visit and I had to accept the fact that there just wasn't enough of 'Lori' available for my other dogs if I were to spend so much time with Juno. Juno left me Sunday afternoon, a little confused, but in the long run I know this is the perfect home for her, and the right decision for everyone. First updates from her new family have been very positive. We will give her 6 weeks to settle in and if all goes as well as hoped, she will have a great life and WAY more attention then I could give her, she deserves it.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

There is a new chill in the air

Summer has made an exit and we are well into Autumn, one of my favorite seasons. I am cheating a bit, these photos were taken October 2008, however I have an excuse. I have spent the last two months raising not one, but, two litters of pups, yep 14 Standard Schnauzers! Trust me it is not for the faint of heart. Last weekend the older litter left for their new homes and this coming weekend litter number two will be on their way to start their new lives. I am exhausted and will be going totally WP (without pups) for the winter...boy am I looking forward to that. Just north of me there is a corn field, around 5pm flocks and flocks of Canadian Geese fly in for the night, I caught some of them coming in before the sun went down.

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

A Schnauzer Get Together

Sunday we had a little Standard Schnauzer meet in Cobourg. A fun and funny way to spend a couple of hours, schnauzers are never boring. A couple of years ago I started a little On-Line Network for all the folks that own a Dinsdale Schnauzer. It is a nice forum for owners to post photos, videos, blogs, ask questions, discuss different dog issues and in particular everything Standard Schnauzers. It is also an interesting way to network with other owners, this has lead to a couple of Schnauzer get togethers, this was our first one in Cobourg. I love the photo above of 11 year old Zoe. She is a daughter of my first male Standard called Hugo. Zoe wasn't bred by myself, but I did groom her for her first two years, this was the first time I have seen Zoe in about 8 years and she most definitely recognized me immediately. Above she is flashing a lovely schnauzer grin at me, great to see you again too Zoe! Are you staring at me bud! Hershey gets a cuddle The newest arrival is greeted A tall, red, handsome visitor If they won't move just jump over them! Cooling off in the river